
Where it all started...

Anthony Saulsberry was a normal kid in his freshman year of College where he still enrolls at The University Of Memphis, but unfortunately Anthony received some very heart breaking news that one of his childhood friends had passed away. The following week he received the news that two of his prior friends were being incarcerated. This really hit Anthony hard, as he would spend weeks only thinking of how life could be taken from you at any moment.
He separated and locked himself in a room for weeks deciding what was the next step for him.
As he spent several days alone he found himself not only being more productive, but in a better space mentally and physically. He reflected back on his past life to realize that the fear he once had of being alone wasn't a bad thing, but in fact was the reason he was able to stay out of trouble and not take the same route of others who he had saw.
As a kid there was only one thing that he said he wanted more than success. "I want to impact the world." He then looked at problems not only he, but the world was facing. The majority of the mistakes were caused not because of the individual, but because of the influences they had around them. He realized that kids who turn to the street life and caused trouble weren't bad kids, but just a product of their environments. He knew he had to make a change in his community. He didn't want any more mothers or family members to have to grieve from losing a loved one who was forced to be around the wrong crowd because of their environment.
"I'm on a mission." Anthony exclaimed. "It may not happen this year, next year, or even 10 years from now, but one day the whole world will know about Elevate Solo."